Any premises that is used for the sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment or to provide hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am must be authorised by the Licensing Authority. An authorisation can be a Premises Licence, Club Premises Certificate or, for small scale one off occasions, a Temporary Event Notice.
Any person intending to use the premises for licensable activities can apply for a premises licence including;
Club premises do not need a DPS but instead must submit a copy of other documents proving the constitution of the club and the club rules.
Once submitted you must advertise your application in accordance with the relevant regulations.
The fee depends on the non-domestic rateable value (NDRV) of the property. The NDRV can be found by contacting the Valuation Office Authority or by searching
Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Non Domestic Rates Once you know your NDRV you can use our
Fee structure for the Licensing Act 2003 (PDF 17Kb) to calculate your fee.
Applications for premises licence or Club Premises Certificate or to vary an existing licence or certificate must be advertised by:
The wording to be used is prescribed by regulations and template documents are given below.
The notice must be a minimum size of A4, and either typed in black or written legibly in black ink, with each character at least font size 16. The notice should be displayed for at least 28 consecutive days starting the day after the application is given to us.
You must publish the same (or similar) notice in a local newspaper that circulates in the area where the premises is at least once during the 10 working days following the day the application is given to the Licensing Authority.
Blue A4 Public Notice (New premises licence application)
Blue A4 Public Notice (Application to vary the premises licence)
White A4 Public Notice (Application for a minor variation)
Blue A4 Public Notice (Application for a new club premises certificate)
Blue A4 Public Notice (Application to vary a club premises certificate)
A 28-day period must be allowed for any representation(s) to be made. If none are received your application is automatically granted.
If representations are received the application will be determined by a Licensing sub-committee at a public hearing. You will be advised of this at the time. If your application is refused you can appeal to Watford Magistrates Court within 21 days of the notice of decision.
Other applications can be submitted in respect to premises that already hold a licence.
Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue have produced a document on organised events (PDF 145Kb) to the relevant conditions for a Premises Licence to be accounted for within an Event Management Plan.
Fire safety advice and your responsibilities (PDF 162Kb) this advice is how to avoid fires and how to ensure people's safety if a fire does start.