Street trading is the selling, or offering for sale, any article in the street. This includes food, such as burgers, kebabs, doughnuts, other things such as household items and includes those trading from a mobile vehicle, such as ice cream vans etc.
On 23 November 2022, we resolved to designate all streets in Hertsmere as being prohibited for street trading activities without our consent. From January 9 2023 any person engaging in street trading in the borough without consent will be committing a crime and liable to prosecution. Details on how to apply for a consent are set out below.
Applicants and residents affected by street traders should read our Policy Our street trading policy PDF 47kb can be downloaded and viewed.
Street traders trading on or before 9 January 2023
Provided that you applied for consent before 9 January 2023 you can continue to trade until we grant or refuse your application.
Applying for a street trading consent
The application form contains a check list of the documents you will need to provide. A street trading guidance document to completing the application form is available.
Street Trading Locations
We do not have any pre-approved locations or pitches. It is the responsibility for any person wishing to street trade in the borough to find a location that falls within the requirements of our policy. Please note that some streets were previously prohibited and there is a presumption that these will still not meet the policy requirements. You may with to familiarise yourself with this list of prohibited streets.
The fees payable for a street trading consent are:
Fixed Location Consents –“High Streets” and other prominent commercial areas within the Borough
Consent Length
Application Fee
Grant Fee
12 months
6 months
1 Day
Fixed Location Consents – Other areas
Consent Length
Application Fee
Grant Fee
12 months
6 months
1 Day
Mobile Trading Consents
Consent Length
Application Fee
Grant Fee
12 months
6 month consent