Managing agents, landlords and housing associations
As a managing agent it is your responsibility to ensure that the bin stores are kept in a reasonable state and allow easy access for our collection crew to empty the bins on the scheduled collection day. We will not remove any excess waste on top of or surrounding the bins or move any bulky items to get to the bins.
Contaminated recycling bins
If a recycling bin is recorded by our crew as contaminated, i.e. contains incorrect items, we will not empty it. Instead we will notify you and it is then your responsibility to make arrangements for the bin to be sorted or emptied before the next scheduled collection. You can arrange this via a private contractor or we can return and empty it as general waste, for a fee. For full details and charges please see our Contamination Procedure (pdf,421kb).
Available resources
It is your responsibility to educate residents and provide them with the correct information regarding their bins. Where new residents move into a property we would encourage you to provide them with a Recycling in Flats guide (pdf,3mb) in their welcome pack or we can send out letters and include a copy.
We can also provide reminder letters to properties and the following posters are available for display in the bin store areas:
To request A3 laminated copies please email