Having good mental health can help you feel better, sleep better and support you in doing the things you want to do. It can also help you have more positive relationships with those around you.

There is a Health and Wellbeing newsletter that is circulated to residents of Hertsmere each month. Read the November Newsletter and sign up to receive the newsletter each month.

Five Ways to Wellbeing 

The Five Ways to Wellbeing can make you feel happier, more positive and able to
get5 Speech bubbles stating connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. the most from life.


Number 10 Health and Wellbeing Centre

‘Number 10’ is run by Herts Mind Network. It aims to empower people with mental health or substance misuse issues, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills, build self-confidence and move forward into training, further their education or get into paid employment. 

Herts Mind Network have a Community Support Service for people who are experiencing mental ill-health and drug/ alcohol difficulties which provides:

  • advice
  • information
  • onward referral
  • holistic support

The service can also provide support to people who have a history of offending and those who have been a victim of crime. 

To access the service you need to be an adult living in the borough of Hertsmere.

Call 02037 273600 or 07950 215391 to find out more about the Hertsmere Community Support Service, or to talk about the support you need. Alternatively, you can email hertsmerecss@hertfordshiremind.org 

Based at Borehamwood Wellbeing Centre, Number 10, 10 Leeming Road, Borehamwood, WD6 4DU

Hertfordshire Wellbeing College

New Leaf Wellbeing College offers a range of free short educational courses which give you the skills and knowledge to help you better manage your wellbeing.  Attending the college also gives you the opportunity to reflect upon your own situation and consider how you can build on your strengths to achieve better wellbeing.

The college is available free of charge to all Hertfordshire residents aged 18 and over.

The Sandbox service for 10-25 year olds

Children and young people in Hertfordshire can now get free online emotional and mental health support using a website called The Sandbox

It offers a website with access to games, worksheets, group chats and online events for children, young people, their parents/carers, teachers and other professionals. Users can register for this free NHS funded service, for  access to internet enabled Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT), or one to one support from professional therapists by text, phone, online chat or video call:

  • Website: 24/7
  • Therapy sessions: Mondays-Fridays 7am-10pm and Saturdays and Sundays 10am-10pm
  • Live Chat: Mondays-Fridays 10am-8pm 


One You

There's only One You

Making better choices today can have a big impact on your health. One You has free tips, tools and support to help you:

  • get healthier
  • feel better
  • move more
  • eat more healthily
  • learn how to check yourself

One You can help you make small, practical changes that fit in with your life.

Take the free One You health quiz to see how you score and start the fight back to a healthier you. For more information visit One You