Disabled Facilities Grants are used to adapt homes to make them more suitable for disabled people to live in and manage independently.

Who can apply? 

The grants are available to people who are registered, or registerable as disabled. Owner occupiers and tenants can apply and landlords can also apply on behalf of their tenants, but they must do so through the occupational therapist at Hertfordshire County Council Social Services Department who will specify the necessary adaptations.

How to apply?

If you wish to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant, the contact numbers for Health and Community Services to arrange the initial Occupational Therapist assessment are:

  • 0300 123 4042 for adults
  • 01438 737782 for children

Means tested

The grants are subject to a means test on the applicant and their partner. The means test is different to others carried out for benefits or carer's help and the outcome is often more generous.

Even if you have been refused other benefits you may be eligible, so it is worth asking for an assessment. There is no means test if the adaptations are for children under 16 or young people up to their 20th birthday in full time, non-advanced, ordinary education.

Further information

More information on what the grants can cover and the grant process can be obtained by contacting the Environmental Health Team: