Time is set aside at our full council meetings to enable you to ask Cabinet members a  question.  The question must relate to our council’s business or an issue which affects our borough.  This is done through the Mayor who chairs these meetings.

  • We are only able to take a maximum of six questions from members of the public for each meeting. 
  • Questions need to have been received by noon at least six working days prior to the Full Council meeting to be considered for inclusion.  For a meeting on a Wednesday this would be noon, Monday the week before.

It is important to submit your question in advance. 

How do I submit a question?

Your question needs to be made in writing.  It must Include:

  1. Which Cabinet Member your question is for.  You can read about their portfolios in Part 3.2 Portfolio Holder Responsibilities of the Council Constitution. (Note that they may be reassigned to ensure an answer is given by the most appropriate person.)
  2. Your name and address.

Please send it by email to: democratic.services@hertsmere.gov.uk

Or write to: Democratic Services Manager, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, Elstree Way, Borehamwood WD6 1WA

If you need additional support please speak to the Democratic Services Manager on 020 8207 7580.

Do I need to attend?

You do not need to attend for your question to be heard.  If you are not present the Mayor may ask that a written response be given.

Our Democratic Services team will notify you of the arrangements and confirm with you whether you are able to attend when your question has been put on the agenda.  If your question is put at the meeting and you are present you will be entitled to ask a supplementary question based on the response that you have received.

Council meetings are always webcast and can be viewed online at https://hertsmere.public-i.tv/ This means that if you do attend to put your question you are consenting to being recorded. 

Why might my question be refused?

Not all questions will be suitable for consideration and sometimes a direct response may be more appropriate.  In general your question might be rejected where:

  • is not about a matter for which the Authority has a responsibility or which affects the Borough;
  • is defamatory, frivolous or offensive;
  • is related to a current Planning or Licensing application;
  • is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the Council in the past six months;
  • relates to the conduct of an individual Member or Officer; or
  • requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information- this might relate to an individual or negotiations that the Council are involved in for example.

In all cases Officers will contact you to discuss the options.

Please note that "Working days" do not include Saturdays, Sundays, Bank Holidays, days of national mourning and days when the Council is not otherwise open).


Please note: There are no public question time at the Annual Meeting of the Council or at any Extraordinary Meetings of the Council. 

Questions and the Council Constitution

Some of the key rules and parameters are set out formally in our Constitution

  • Questions will be asked in the order that they are received
  • The Managing Director or Head of Legal and Democratic Services may reject a question
  • Where person raising the question does not attend in person the Mayor may allow a response at the meeting or ask that a written reply be sent to the questioner

Further details are given in the constitution (part 4.1).

Separately Councillors can also ask questions at Council. These can be to Cabinet Members or to the chairs of our committees and follows a similar process.