Community reassurance event in Bushey

The importance of working together, safety advice and a renewed sense of community were some of the key sentiments that emerged from an engagement event in Bushey.

The community event, organised by the Hertsmere Community Safety Partnership (CSP), was a chance to speak to residents about any concerns they may have, promote local services and offer crime prevention equipment and advice.

Representatives from Hertsmere CSP, which includes our staff, local police, Beacon Victim care and Herts Mind Network were located on the High Road from 1pm to 4pm on Thursday 1 August.

Cllr Christian Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Neighbourhoods, Enforcement, Economic Development and Transformation, said: “It's important to work with partners to provide community advice and reassurance to local people and to signpost those who need it to services and organisations that offer specialist support.

“I am pleased that our community safety partners are working with us in Bushey. The aim of this event was to offer local residents an opportunity to raise any concerns they have about the area and for us to better understand the needs of our communities, so we can develop initiatives that make a real difference.

“Our new Community Enforcement Officers were able to join us today to meet local residents and businesses. They’ll continue to work with our local communities to offer reassurance and develop strategies to tackle to local issues. Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop and talk to us today.”

Hertsmere Chief Inspector Ashleigh Hair said: “Community engagement is a vital part of neighbourhood policing. It helps us to ensure we’re working with local people to address the issues that are causing the most concern. Working with our partners is key to providing long term solutions and reassurance. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to speak with us.”