Motion to support 20s Plenty in our borough

A motion calling for Hertsmere to have 20 mph schemes on streets where people live, work, shop, play or learn to be implemented by Hertfordshire County Council has been agreed.

The motion was agreed at a Full Council meeting this week (Wednesday 25 September) calling for Hertfordshire County Council to support the ‘20s Plenty’ initiative in our borough.

It urges the cabinet to write to Hertfordshire County Council - the local highways authority - to highlight the growing support for 20 mph speed limits on roads where people and vehicles mix at close quarters.

Cllr Renos Georgiou, ward councillor for Potters Bar Oakmere, who proposed the motion, said: "We believe 20 mph speed limits on certain roads within our borough will make our towns and villages safer, cleaner, quieter and healthier.

“Successful 20 mph schemes have been shown to result in 30 per cent fewer casualties. They reduce tail-pipe emissions by 25 per cent and noise by half. They also help build more inclusive areas where walking and cycling takes priority.”

Cllr Maxie Allen, who represents Bushey Park and seconded the motion, said: "National and local surveys show extensive support for these schemes. And all evidence suggests they do not adversely affect the motorist. A reduction in speed has been shown to make little difference to journey times.

“We believe endorsing the '20's plenty for Hertfordshire' campaign will help bring positive change for our communities".

To find out more about the motion and listen to the discussion, visit agenda item 14a of our webcast: Council - Wednesday 25 September 2024, 7:00pm - Hertsmere Borough Council Webcasting (