This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) details the local wildlife sites in the borough. It also provides details on habitat creation and maintenance and the protection of trees throughout the development process.
Our biodiversity checklist will help you establish whether any surveys, records and/or correspondences are required prior to the submission of a planning application. The checklist should be submitted in support of planning applications. It is appended to Part B.
Biodiversity, Trees and Landscape -
- Part A (Introduction)pdf file[420KB]
Biodiversity, Trees and Landscape -
- Part B (Biodiversity)pdf file[1.67MB]
Biodiversity, Trees and Landscape -
- Part C (Trees)pdf file[1.43MB]
Please note that since publication of Part C of the SPD, a number of the British Standards guides have been updated including BS: 3998 (Tree Work - Recommendations) and BS:5387 (Trees in Relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations), which were reissued in 2010 and 2012 respectively. Where a BS document has been updated, you should refer to the most recently publication version.
Biodiversity, Trees and Landscape -
- Part D (Protected trees and hedgerows)pdf file[1.64MB]
Biodiversity, Trees and Landscape -
- Statement of Consultationpdf file[494KB]

Water Vole (photo Clare Gray, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust)