We have a statutory duty to guide development within our borough and use a number of policies and guides to do so.

The Hertsmere Local Plan (2012-2027)  is made up of four parts:

  1. Core Strategy (PDF 1.70mb), adopted January 2013. Find out more about the process of adopting the Core Strategy.
  2. Elstree Way Corridor Area Action Plan (PDF 7.51mb), adopted July 2015; Find out more about the Elstree Way Corridor Area Action Plan,
  3. Site Allocations and Development Management (SADM) Policies Plan (PDF 7.57mb), adopted November 2016; Find out more about the SADM Policies Plan.
  4. Policies Map.

These Development Plan Documents are supported by a number of additional documents known as Supplementary Planning Documents.

The status of the Local Plan documents

The Local Plan 2012-2027 is formed of the Core Strategy, Site Allocations and Development Management (SADM) Policies Plan and Elstree Way Corridor Area Action Plan, which have all been adopted following independent examinations in public. The Local Plan documents have full weight in the determination of planning applications. The Local Plan 2003 no longer has weight in the determination of planning applications. 

New Local Plan (2024)

We are starting work on a new Local Plan for the borough. Please see the New Local Plan web pages for further information.

Local Development Scheme (2023)

The Local Development Scheme 2023 (PDF 1.4mb) sets out a timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan. 

Local Plan Evidence Base

The Local Plan 2012-2027 is supported by a number of studies which make up the Local Plan Evidence Base.

Statement of Community Involvement

Our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is part of the planning framework for the borough and sets out how we will consult with the community when we prepare planning documents and in cases of major planning applications.

Rural development

Outside of the main towns, almost the whole of Hertsmere is in the Green Belt. Although there is a need to support the diversification of the rural economy, it is essential to ensure that the open nature, visual qualities and other important attributes of the Green Belt are maintained.

Government policy on rural development is outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance. The Core Strategy 2013, and SADM 2016 contain policies guiding development in the countryside.

Supplementary Planning Documents and Supplementary Planning Guidance

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) support specific policies in the Core Strategy. The Secretary of State will give substantial weight to SPDs in making decisions that come before him where that SPD derives out of, and is consistent with, the development plan and has been prepared in a proper manner. Our SPDs are prepared in consultation with the general public and other interested parties and their views are taken into account before a final version is adopted. Any SPDs which are at the consultation stage are published on our Planning Consultations page.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) supplements specific policies in the Local Plan 2003 and may be taken into account as a material consideration when planning applications are determined. Where relevant, these will continue to be a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications until they are replaced by SPDs or the policies in the Local Plan 2003 are superseded.

Read more about the council's SPDs, SPG and Planning Briefs.