SPDs are prepared under the Local Plan system and provide additional information on policies in the current Local Plan. They explain in greater detail how policies will be used to control development and are a material consideration when we are assessing planning applications.
When we are preparing SPDs we consult the general public and other interested parties, and their views are taken into account before final versions are adopted.
Current Supplementary Planning Documents
- Affordable Housing SPD (2015) - defines affordable housing and the threshold above which developers are expected to provide affordable units, in relation to the relevant policies in the current Local Plan. It also provides guidance on the design and layout of affordable housing and Section 106 agreements. A new SPD was adopted on 14 October 2015.
- Bhaktivedanta Manor Planning Brief SPD Bhaktivedanta Manor is recognised as a site of special religious significance. In recent years a number of planning applications have been submitted in response to the pressures faced by the Bhaktivedanta Manor community. The brief has been prepared by our planning officers in consultation with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) to provide a clear plan for the future development of Bhaktivedanta Manor.
- Biodiversity and Trees SPD - details the local wildlife sites in Hertsmere and provides details on habitat creation and maintenance and the protection of trees throughout the development process.
- Biodiversity Net Gain SPD (2024) - aims to ensure that development provides an increase in biodiversity post development compared with before. Sets out the expectations in Hertsmere relating to the national requirement which will become mandatory in January 2024.
- Parking Standards SPD - sets out the standards of car parking that we expect to be delivered by all new development in the borough. It applies to householder extensions as well as larger-scale developments.
- The is currently being updated to incorporate Sustainable Transport and is being used on an interim basis.
- Planning and Design Guide SPD - sets out our principles as a guide for homeowners, developers and anyone else carrying out work which requires planning permission.
- Developer Contributions Framework (DCF) - sets out the basis for financial contributions which we seek in association with new development. The Council has adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) applies to all planning applications determined on or after 1 December 2014. This online resource supersedes the Planning Obligations SPD, which is no longer relevant to current planning applications and is retained for use in matters relating to historic applications and appeals.
- Radlett District Centre Key Locations Planning Brief SPD - sets out the constraints and planning policy contexts for four locations in Radlett. It provides advice on how our existing policies should be applied. Its aim is to ensure that key development opportunities in and immediately adjoining Radlett District Centre are maximised.
Draft SPDs
Two draft SPDs were approved as interim guidance in the determination of planning applications on or after 15 September 2022.
These are as follows:
- Draft Carbon Offsetting SPD September 22 Finalpdf file[1.99MB]
Other guidance documents
We have published a number of documents to help assist in the planning process at Hertsmere.
- Interim Planning Policy Statement – This document is an interim position statement, providing clarifications to certain planning policies in light of material considerations which have arisen since the current Local Plan was adopted. These policy clarifications should be taken into account by developers when preparing planning applications and by those determining planning applications (and appeals) in relation to climate change and sustainability issues until the new Local Plan is adopted.
- Waste Storage Provision Requirements - Guidance document setting out the requirements for waste and recycling storage and collections at all new residential developments. These guidelines do not cover the requirements for managing construction and industrial waste. This guidance is based on the British Standards for waste collection, and has been produced in consultation between Hertsmere Borough Council’s Planning and Economic Development Service and Waste Management unit.
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation Lifetime Homes Standards
- Warren Estate (Bushey Heath) Design Guide (PDF 3.32mb)
- Watling Chase Community Forest (PDF 980kb)
- Streetscape Manual - To help deliver improvements to the quality of Hertsmere’s town, district and shopping centres. It provides practical, local guidance for those responsible for the different parts of the public realm, and supports improvements to these areas help to improve the overall vitality of town centres in the borough.
- Hertsmere Standard Conditions - the standard conditions set out in this booklet are designed to assist planning officers in dealing with applications in an efficient and consistent manner.
Hard copies of Planning Documents
Paper copies of the above documents are available from the Planning Policy Team for a charge. Please email any requests to the Local Plans Team at local.plan@hertsmere.gov.uk.