Find out all you need to know about your streets from reporting a fault and road gritting to applying for a concessionary bus pass and parking. 

Bus passes

Concessionary bus passes offer free nationwide off-peak travel on local buses in England for older and disabled people. Apply for your bus pass via Hertfordshire County Council.

Fault reporting

You can report a fault on the road or pavement to Hertfordshire County Council.

Gritting and Salting

Hertfordshire County Council are responsible for gritting and salting roads during icy weather.


We are responsible for a number of car parks and for controlled parking schemes in our borough.

If there are vehicles parked on pavements causing an obstruction to pedestrians or road users, you can report them:

  • To us on 020 8207 2277 if there are waiting restrictions in place. Our civil enforcement officers will investigate.
  • To Hertfordshire Constabulary on 101 if there are no waiting restrictions, but a vehicle is causing an obstruction.


Pavements and foot ways are maintained by Hertfordshire County Council.

Public Rights of Way

There are 155 km of public rights of way in Hertsmere, including:

  • footpaths, for use by walkers
  • bridleways, for use by horse riders, cyclists and walkers
  • BOATs (Byways Open to All Traffic) have footpath, bridleway and vehicular rights
  • RBs (Restricted Byways) have footpath and bridleway rights and also rights for non-motorised (i.e. horse drawn) vehicles.

The rights of way network in Hertsmere is managed and maintained by Hertfordshire County Council.

Road adoption

Hertfordshire County Council is responsible for highway developments, including road adoption.

Roads and highways closures and diversions

Hertfordshire County Council provide this service. You can find out about road works in your area. However if you are organising an event you will need to contact us.

Road signs

Hertfordshire County Council deals with signs on the highway.

Street furniture

The Borough Council is responsible for the majority of parks and open spaces and seating within them. Street furniture on public highways is dealt with by Hertfordshire County Council and/or the relevant Town or Parish Council.

Speed humps

Hertfordshire County Council provide this service.

Street lighting

Hertfordshire County Council provide this service. Find out about street lighting or report a broken street light.

Street names and name plates

We are responsible for ensuring street name plates are provided and fitted in suitable positions and for their repair and maintenance. To report damaged, missing or illegible street name plates contact us at our address below or email

If you wish to change the name or number of an existing property, or name or number new developments, there is a charge. See our street numbering section for more information.

Tourism signs

Hertfordshire County Council provide this service.


Vandalism is an illegal, anti-social activity that creates a negative impression of an area. If you witness such activity taking place you should contact the police on 101, or in an emergency 999. You can report issues like fly-tipping and graffiti to us.

Not what you’re looking for?

Check our environment, refuse and recycling page about issues affecting your street.