Each councillor has £750 this year, which they can allocate to local organisations for worthwhile projects that achieve The Hertsmere Vision, Delivering Better Futures, 2024-2027
What can be funded through the scheme?
Some typical improvement projects which would be eligible for consideration under WIIS are:
Improvements to public areas, such as chairs, benches, children's play equipment, adult outdoor fitness equipment and improved signage.
New or replacement equipment for either a community hall or meeting place which promotes greater levels of use by the local community.
New or replacement equipment for a not-for-profit organisation whose activities support our corporate goal(s).
Local events which promote our corporate goal(s) such as organised sport, physical activity, heritage or cultural life.
Other improvement ideas not covered here may also be eligible for consideration under WIIS if they are consistent with our current corporate vision. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
How do I apply for funding?
You should discuss your proposal with your local councillor before completing the application form. Please read the guidance notes beforehand and then submit your completed application forms to grantapplications@hertsmere.gov.uk. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by the named Councillor(s) who will then decide whether or not to support it. The application will then be assessed by senior officers within the council. You will be notified by letter or email whether or not your application has been successful and, if applicable, the process to follow to claim the funding.
Have a look at our 'Support to the Voluntary Sector Annual Report' to see how the funding was allocated in 2023/24
Who can receive funding?
Any properly constituted group, club or organisation, which is based in, or operates for the benefit of the residents of Hertsmere and has its own bank account.
What cannot be funded?
WIIS cannot be used to fund projects in any single ward which require further capital or revenue expenditure or create any form of on-going year-on-year financial commitment by us.
Some typical improvement projects which would not be eligible for consideration include:
- Paying employees or other people engaged in local community work on a long-term basis.
- Large capital works which lead to ongoing financial commitments for the council.
- Projects which benefit only a few select people.
Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
How will I receive my funding?
All payments will be made by Banker Automated Clearing Service (BACS). Under no circumstances will cheques or cash be issued. Applicants will need a bank account in the organisations name with two signatories in order to be eligible.
My project is already running, can I request funding?
Yes, if there are still activities which require funding. However, you cannot apply for retrospective funding.
What records do we need to keep if we receive funding?
You will be expected to produce a brief evaluation showing how the grant was used and how effectively it addressed the aims outlined in your request form 6 months after the award. This can be supplemented with other material such as a press report.
Which projects have already received funding?