Statement of Persons Nominated for Parliamentary General Election

Details of the candidates can be found at:

To have your say on who gets elected you must be registered to vote. The deadline to register is midnight on Tuesday 18 June. If you have not yet registered to vote, have recently moved house or recently turned 18, you will need to register in order to be able to vote. It takes just five minutes to apply online at:

If anyone is unsure if they are registered to vote or wants a hard copy of any of the application forms please call 020 8207 7481 or email

Residents have to bring photo ID to be able to vote at a polling station. They may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable, including a passport, driving licence, blue badge, national identity card or an identity card with a PASS mark, in which case they’re ready to vote.

Residents who don’t have an accepted form of photo ID can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate either online or via a paper form. The deadline to apply is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. To find out what ID is accepted, for more information on voter ID or how to apply for the Voter Authority Certificate, please visit our voter ID page or contact the council on 020 8207 7481.
Voting in person at a polling station
Poll cards tell you where you should vote – you can only vote at your allocated polling station. You do not need your poll card to vote. If your poll card is misplaced, you can find your allocated polling station at: or alternatively contact the Electoral Services team on 020 8207 7481 or email who will be able to tell you your polling station.

Remember, you must have valid photo ID to vote at your polling station this election. If you haven't checked your ID, please do that now. To find out what ID is accepted or for more information on voter ID, please visit or contact us on 020 8207 7481.

Voting by post
If you are registered for a postal vote you will be sent your ballot paper approximately 10 days before the election and you will need to post it back to us. To vote by post you need to apply, with forms completed and returned to Hertsmere Borough Council by 5pm on Wednesday 19 June.

To apply for a postal vote, please visit:

Please be aware that there is now restrictions on the handling of postal votes. Voters will not be allowed to hand in more than five postal ballot packs (in addition to their own). If a postal ballot pack is handed in at either a polling station or the Civic Offices, a form must be completed in order to be accepted. We advise you to ensure that your postal ballot pack is completed and sent back via Royal Mail to avoid any rejected postal ballots.

Voting by proxy
If you are unable to go to your polling station on election day you can register for a proxy vote, whereby someone you have given authority to can go and vote on the day on your behalf. You can have someone vote on your behalf is you're away on holiday, have to work away from home or are ill in hospital.

You can now apply online for some types of proxy vote. You need to prove your identity when applying, by providing your National Insurance number.

There are limits to how many people a voter can act as a proxy for. This means you can only act as a proxy for two people living in the UK. If you act as a proxy for people living overseas, you can act as proxy for up to four people but only two of these can be based in the UK.

To vote by proxy, you will need to have completed an application by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. To apply for a proxy vote please visit:

Please remember that all nominated proxies will also require their own voter ID to vote on your behalf. For more information on voter ID, please visit our Voter ID or contact us on 020 8207 7481.

You can find out more about ways to vote.